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          CCRU logoCambridge Coastal Research Unit (CCRU)

          Providing highest quality scientific research to underpin sustainable coastal management

          • Home
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          • PhD projects
            • PhD projects  – Overview
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          The Unit's brief is to:

          • Provide scientifically-informed input for the better management of shorelines and their associated ecosystems.
          • Facilitate and promote multi-diciplinary research into all aspects of shallow water marine science by bringing together natural and social scientists in Cambridge University and other governmental and non-governmental research institutions.
          • Inform coastal management and decision-making within governmental and non-governmental institutions and organisations in the UK and overseas.


          A variety of research projects on coastal topics are being undertaken by the CCRU.



          The Unit has an active group of PhD students, undertaking PhD study at the Department of Geography.

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          Environment Agency research overview

          12th June, 2024


          The Environment Agency (EA) and DEFRA fund and deliver applied flood and coastal erosion risk management research for all risk management authorities in England and Wales. They also work directly with Universities to provide end-user input to their research projects.

          Over recent years the EA have had input to a number of Cambridge Coastal Research Unit (CCRU) projects (CBESS, FAST, RISC-KIT), recognising that fundamental research into coastal disaster risk reduction from natural coastal protection is of vital importance.

          This latest 哪些加速器按小时算的, records the continuation of this collaboration, highlighting the BLUEcoast (item 13.) and CoastWEB (17.) projects, where CCRU is a partner, and particularly RESIST (18.), where CCRU provides project leadership.

          Super seagrasses

          8th May, 2024


          Ellie Wilding (MPhil by research, 2024-2024) 绝地求生吃鸡加速器哪个好,吃鸡高性价加速器推荐_排行榜123网:2021-10-16 · 绝地求生吃鸡加速器哪个好,吃鸡高性价加速器推荐 要问现在最火的游戏是什么,《绝地求生》当然不让,被玩家被称为吃鸡。然而因为这是国外的游戏,还没有国服,所众需要使用加速器,才能流畅的吃鸡,避免掉线卡顿。那么吃鸡加速器哪 - 'the undercover hero of the sea' -and how they might help combat climate change in the latest issue of 'BlueSci' magazine.

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